AVG AntiVirus Free 2012 12.0 Build 2197a5126

With this free distribution version of the popular AVG Anti-Virus system, you will get a reliable tool for your computer protection against computer viruses.

  • Automatic update functionality
  • The AVG Resident Shield, which provides real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run
  • The AVG E-mail Scanner, which protects your e-mail
  • The AVG On-Demand Scanner, which allows the user to perform scheduled and manual tests
  • Free Virus Database Updates for the lifetime of the product
  • AVG Virus Vault for safe handling of infected files
  • Great customer satisfaction!

Please note that any previous version of AVG Free will be un-installed automatically during the installation of the new AVG Free.
A 64-Bit version is also available: AVG AntiVirus Free (64-Bit)

avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1466

avast! Free Antivirus is a free complete ICSA certified antivirus software for home noncommercial use. avast! obtained VB100% awards in 2002/4 Virus Bulletin comparative reviews under Windows.

avast! Free Antivirus includes the following components:

  • On Demand Scanner - with Skinnable Simple Interface - just select what do you want to scan in which way and press the Play button.
  • On Access Scanner - resident scanning of all files being opened, read and written and behavior blocker monitoring dangerous actions of viruses.
  • E-mail scanner easily integrates with most mail clients and it checks both incoming and outgoing mails, it provides heuristic analysis of mail content to protect against new Worms.
  • Network Shield - scans traffic for malicious content - lightweight Firewall.
  • Resident protection for IM programs (e.g. MSN Messenger, ICQ) and P2P programs (e.g. Kazaa, DirectConnect).
  • Boot Time Scanner - scans disks in the same way and in the same time as Windows CHKDSK does (on NT/2000/XP only).
  • Explorer Scanner - right click on the object allows you to scan it.
  • Screen Saver Scanner - scans PC during your coffee breaks.
  • Virus Chest - safety isolated folder to store infected, suspicious and even some system files - to restore them.
True incremental updates of size under 100 KB are available at least twice a week and within couple of hours in the case of emergency of new virus. avast! automatically checks for new updates - downloads, installs and loads them without restart or logoff. Program upgrades are available time to time, they are incremental too (about 300 KB).
avast! Free Antivirus is available in English, French, German, Italian, Japaneese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and other languages - check http://www.avast.com/eng/down_home.html to download avast! in your language.

Note: FREE registration is required after 30 days. A FREE license key is easily obtained from the convenient registration form within the program interface.

Avira AntiVir Removal Tool for Windows v3.0.1.16

Avira AntiVir Removal Tool for Windows is a free, easy-to-use disinfection tool, specifically designed to remove a series of security threats from your system:

  • Worm/Sober.J
  • Worm/Sober.P
  • Worm/Sober.Y
  • W32/Stanit.A
  • Worm/NetSky.AA
  • Worm/NetSky.B.1
  • Worm/NetSky.C
  • Worm/Netsky.D.Dam
  • Worm/NetSky.P
  • Worm/NetSky.X
  • Worm/Mytob.IN.2
  • Worm/Mytob.KS

Main benefits:

  • Repair affected files, whenever possible (sometimes files may be irremediably damaged by the malware´s actions).
  • Easy to use: you do not even need to install it, just unpack it and use the operation instructions provided in the readme file.
  • Constant transparency: it displays information while scanning files on your computer, thus allowing you to know the live status of its activity.
  • Report features: this tool is able to create log files and reports after completing its task, providing information on scan results.
  • Continuous development: we recommend you to check regularly for the latest version, as our virus researchers will add more detection routines to this tool, in order to remove even more threats

Dr.Web LiveCD 6.0.0

If your Windows or Linux system has been rendered non-bootable by malware, restore it for FREE with Dr.Web LiveCD!
Dr.Web LiveCD will clean your computer of infected and suspicious files, help you copy important information to a removable data storage device or another computer, and then attempt to cure infected objects.

This download is an ISO file which can be burned to CD/DVD.
The user manual is available here.

Anti Virus

McAfee Avert Labs Rootkit Detective 1.1

Proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
Size : 1.64MB
OS  : Win 2000/XP/2003

Dr.Web LiveCD 6.0.0   
Emergency System Recovery Disk.
Size : 189.93MB
OS   : Windows (All), Linux 

Avira AntiVir Removal Tool for Windows v3.0.1.16 
Detect and eliminate Worm.Sober.J/P/Y and W32.Stanit.A, Worm/NetSky type worms.
Size  : 354KB
OS    : Win 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3

avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1466

Free antivirus for home use - scans for viruses, worms and Trojans.
Size : 89.32MB
OS  : Windows XP/Vista/7

McAfee Avert Labs Rootkit Detective 1.1

McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
McAfee Rootkit Detective should only be used by knowledgeable individuals at the direction of, and with the support of, a representative from McAfee Avert Labs or McAfee Technical Support. Improper usage of this tool could result in damage to your applications or operating system.

Following are the features of this program that are designed to proactively detect and clean rootkits from the system. This program is not dependent on any signatures and can proactively detect most of the existing and upcoming rootkits and allow the user to clean them.

  • Designed to proactively detect the system objects like processes, files and registry that are hidden to the user.
  • Provides information about all running processes in the system.
  • Provides information about various system hooks like SSDT(System Service Descriptor Table) hooks, user/kernel IAT/EAT(Import/Export Address Table) hooks.
  • Allows the user to clean/remove the malicious objects from the system by renaming/deleting the hidden files/registry.
  • Allows the user to terminate the malicious processes.
  • Users can submit samples using the submission feature present in the tool.
  • Users can also collect the samples manually after renaming them and submit to stinger@avertlabs.com for further analysis.

Rootkit Detective log file contains details of the hidden files. The files once renamed after reboot will have a .REN extension. User can search for the same on the system and can submit these files for further analysis with your comments to stinger@avertlabs.com. Zip the files and password protect with “infected” and mention “Rootkit Detective” in the subject line when you send the mail.

Download Now !

Tag HTML Dasar

Masih ingat kan tentang pengertian tag HTML? Nah, berikut adalah tag-tag HTML penting yang akan sangat sering kamu pakai. Dan kamu akan mempelajari masing-masing secara lebih detil terutama yang menyangkut atributnya.

Tag – Description
<html> – Mendefinsikan sebuah dokumen HTML
<body> – Mendefinisikan isi utama
<h1> to <h6> – Mendefinisikan judul 1 sampai 6
<b> - Mendefinisikan huruf tebal
<p> – Mendefinisikan paragraf
<br> – Menyisipkan sebuah baris
<hr> – Mendefinisikan garis horisontal
<!–> – Bikin komentar

NB : jangan lupa untuk kode penutupnya..

Asik kan? Ini belum seberapa, tunggu sampai kamu udah bisa bikin tabel, huruf berwarna dan masih banyak lagi variasi tampilan yang bisa digunakan untuk mempercantik halaman web kamu

Anti Virus

Zillya! LiveCD v20120124
Bootable CD with anti-virus scanner.

Size : 516.51MB
OS  : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

Emsisoft Emergency Kit
A collection of programs to scan and clean infected computers for malware.
Size : 102.34MB
OS  : Windows XP/Vista/7

Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition 1.5.2
Free cloud antivirus to protect your PC against virus,spyware, rootkits, trojans.
Size : 33.86MB
OS  : Windows XP/Vista/7

Comodo Internet Security 5.9
Offers complete protection from viruses, Trojans, worms, buffer overflows, zero-day attacks, spyware and hackers.

Size : 57.61MB
OS  : Windows XP/Vista/7

Avira Antivir Virus Definition File Update | 02-29-2012
Update AVIRA Desktop for Windows with latest virus definitions and scan engine.
Size : 59MB
OS  : Win NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

PC Tools AntiVirus™ Free Edition
Will thoroughly scan and protect your PC from virus attacks.

Size : 64.85MB
OS  : Windows XP/Vista/7

Avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1407
Free antivirus for home use - scans for viruses, worms and Trojans.
Size : 71.45MB
OS   : Windows XP/Vista/7

Application Mobile

Black Berry

Sanksi Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas UU NO 2 TAHUN 2009

Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas yang disahkan DPR pada 22 Juni 2009 lalu, terdapat beberapa sanksi yang dikenakan bagi pelanggaran lalu lintas, sebagai berikut:

- Pasal 281
Setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang tidak memiliki SIM dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 4 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 1 juta .

Pasal 288 ayat 2
Setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang memiliki SIM namun tak dapat menunjukkannya saat razia dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu.

Pengenalan HTML

Apa yang dimaksud dengan file HTML?
-    HTML merupakan kependekan dari Hyper Text markup Language
-    Sebuah file HTML merupakan sebuah file teks yang berisi tag-tag markup
-    Tag markup memberitahukan browser bagaimana harus menampilkan sebuah halaman
-    File HTML harus memiliki ekstensi htm atau html
-    File HTML dapat dibuat menggunakan editor teks yang biasa kamu pakai.

Pengen Nyoba Bikin?


Praktikum Sistem Basis Data Fungsi_String

Buat database dengan nama “Fungsi String”
Create database fungsi_string;

Buat tabel dengan nama “string

Insert table string
Create table string (application char (20));



create database FUNGSI_TANGGAL

Create table tanggal

Insert field dan type data

Output :


Struktur Dasar  Database SQL

Menampilkan database
Membuat database
mysql> CREATE DATABASE [Nama databasemu];
Menggunakan database
mysql> USE [Nama databasemu];
Menghapus database
mysql> DROP DATABASE [Nama databasemu];

Browser & Plugins

ChromePlus has all the functionalities of Google Chrome and more.
Size : 25.49MB
OS : Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

Google Chrome 18.0.1025.162
Browser that combines minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Size : 25.09MB
OS : Windows XP/Vista/7


Membuat Data Base Karyawan

Database = Karyawan
Tabel = identitas

Database = Penjualan
Tabel = Barang

Database = Transaksi
Tabel = Customer

Database = Mahasiswa
Tabel = Penilaian

SQL menampilkan seluruh record mahasiswa yang berkode matakuliah atauu KdMK=KK021
SELECT * FROM penilaian WHERE KdMK=’KK021’; 

SQL menampilkan record field Nim,KdMK dan Mid saja bagi yang nilai mid-nya antara 75 dan 90
SELECT Nim,KdMK,Mid FROM ‘penilaian’ WHERE Mid >75 AND Mid<90

SQL menyisipkan nilai untuk field nilai rata-rata (NilRata), dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
Mid + Final / 2
UPDATE `penilaian` SET `NilRata`=(Mid+Final)/2 

Menghapus record yang memiliki Nim = 10296832
DELETE FROM `penilaian` WHERE Nim=10296832

Data Base

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition R2 Service Pack 1
Free SQL Server ideal for learning, developing and powering desktop, web and small server applications.

Size : 327.63MB
OS  : Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

BitNami LAMPStack 5.3.10-1
An easy-to-install environment to develop and deploy PHP applications.

Size : 102MB
OS  : Linux

Absolute Database 6.08
A compact, high-speed, robust and easy-to-use database engine.

Size : 34.47MB
OS  : Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7

CD/DVD Cover Printing

Disc Studio
CD Labeling and Design Software.

Size : 283.01MB
OS  : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

DVD Slim Free
Create standard and slim covers for CD/DVD, VHS, Blue Ray, PS2, PS3, PSP, xBox, and Wii.

Size : 4.94MB
OS  : Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7

CdCoverCreator 2.5.3
Create your own CD covers for both Audio and Data CDs.

Size : 2.70MB
OS  : Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7